As a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor I’m helping people on a day-to-day basis with their fitness goals, needs, concerns and fears. Many of the questions I am asked time and time again and I thought this month I would share one of them with you and the answer I always give…
Question: I do 100 sit ups a day, why haven’t I got a six pack yet?
Answer: If only it were that easy! Your abs are worked, to some extent, in just about every exercise we do. If you are looking for those abs to be prominent it will need more than just exercise. You need to become leaner to enable those muscles to show more.
Direct abdominal work will make the abs stronger, tone them and improve athletic performance. However, this needs to be combined with cardio work and resistance work , along with a good nutritional intake to enable greater definition. ‘Spot Reduction’ is a myth. If only the body was intelligent enough to burn fat from targeted areas! We need a combination of cardio to help burn fat and resistance to help tone and define along with a good well balanced diet and rest.
Just for the record, I don’t believe in a sit up anyway. I believe there are so many better abdominal exercises that will work the abs a lot better than a sit up. Sit ups often rely on too much momentum and can often bypass the abs completely if you sit up too far and fast!